hey … does this new RTC SAFe Program Board Widget delight you?

As announced in a previous post we are working on a new RTC Widget called “SAFe Program Board”.
The goal is to visualize something similar as suggested by the SAFe Program Board shown here http://www.scaledagileframework.com/pi-planning
The initial version 1.0.0 is now available Siemens internally and will be made available to public as soon as possible.
Please compare the two pictures and let me know if you miss something

instead of working with horizontal swim lanes for teams we are using the proven concept of colors for the teams (as known from the world famous Timebox Planning Widget). This approach seems to be much more space efficient. The Work Item Type is reflected with an icon.


This is the visualization of the brand new SAFe Program Board Widget



This is given by SAFe http://www.scaledagileframework.com/pi-planning



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